Truffle Hunting
Truffle Hunting is not an easy task. Many people wonder what is it, how it goes, what challenges there are. Well, read further and find out!
Truffle Hunting – Challenges
First of all, truffle hunters should recognise possible areas, where truffles may grow. This fungus is very choosy about soil, moisture, altitude, host trees etc. Not only that, but the hunters also need to find a way to determine the exact location of the truffle. Some truffles may grow up to 1 meter depth, so just digging in the soil is not an option. You must be sure that there is a truffle to do that. This is where truffle hogs get involved.
Truffle Hunting – Before
Long time ago, people used to use truffle hogs for truffle hunting. A truffle hog is actually a domestic pig. You should know that the pigs have a great nose and can smell truffles, hidden deep in the soil. The biggest problem at that time was how to train a hog to locate truffles without eating them. Firstly they are very hard to train and secondly they definitely like truffles. Even when pigs were able to find the hidden treasure, the hunters had the difficult task to save the truffle before it’s eaten. Back then, there were almost no truffles without scratches or bites. Happily this has changed.
Truffle Hunting – Now
Nowadays people try different ways to cultivate truffles. Some of them are successful, others not, but one thing is sure – not all truffle varieties can be cultivated. So, truffle hunting is still a real thing. The only difference today is that it is a little bit easier than before. The time of pigs has gone and now people train dogs to do the pigs’ job. Truffle hunting with dogs is less challenging. The biggest advantage of dogs is that they are much easier to be trained. They recognise different commands and know exactly what you want from them. When they locate a truffle, they make special sign and you know, where to dig.
Contact us or check our shop for available fresh truffles.